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Each morning when we awaken the day is ours.  God has blessed us with another opportunity to make an impact by leaving a lasting legacy of greatness and service.

These days, it is so easy to lose the essence of our true selves.  There are so many distractions and temptations: tv, social media, etc.  Societal pressures can deter us from the moral compass driving our convictions burning within.  It is so easy to stray from the goals and passions God has placed within each of us.  We can even become discouraged and lose faith in the greatness that each of us possesses.  Pop culture, the media and Hollywood have told us what the perfect body looks like, what the perfect job looks like and how much money we should have stashed away at the bank.

Dr. Seuss once said, “Today you are you, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive who is Youer than you.”

What an inspiring yet humbling thought.  There is no one on earth who has your unique set of skills.  Your ability.  Your talent.  Your passion.  Your perspective.  The world needs what YOU have to offer.  Embracing your individuality is empowering and necessary.

The next time you are bombarded with the social “norms” or what the world has defined as perfection, remember – they haven’t met YOU!  They haven’t seen the incredible creation that you are with all of your abilities, ambitions and possibilities.

Never lose sight of the fact that you are special just as you are.  Be incredibly proud of who you are from the inside out.  It does not matter where you live, what car you drive, the color of your skin / hair, the clothes you wear.  None of that matters.  The only thing that matters is that God created you and He loves YOU.  You are beautiful to Him at all times, every single day.

Action Step for Today: Write the following phrase on a card and display it prominently in your home, bathroom, office or wherever it will provide encouragement to you daily:

God has not designed me for perfection.  He has designed me for a purpose.

Always remember you are perfectly be(you)tiful just the way you are.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time…”  Ecclesiastes 3:11

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  1. […] you feel uncomfortable with something about your appearance, remember God designed you and YOU are perfect just the way you are.  (Ecclesiastes […]

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