Cleaning House AND Heart


Cleaning House AND Heart

I’m not sure what it is about the beginning of a new year but it turns me into a Deep Cleanin’ Diva.  I go into early spring-cleaning overdrive.  No material possession or clutter-collecting corner is safe from my wrath.  This may be due in part to the fact that for the remainder of the year I am less than energized about cleaning.  Could care less actually.  I digress…  Recently, I spent most of the weekend “primping” the pantry.  I unearthed several questionable cans of cream of mushroom soup that I can only assume were inherited from my ancestors.  Several generations ago…

The purging of expired products and unnecessary clutter spurred reflection in my heart.  Then, a “God-thing” occurred.  I ran across the following quote from Beth Moore: “Whatever God is urging you to clear away cannot begin to be compared to what He ultimately wants to bring you.”  Wow.  Powerful stuff.  Digest that for a moment…

I immediately started considering the clutter that had formed in my heart.  The dust that had settled and was taking up space.  Those carnal barriers that had unfortunately formed between me and my Savior.  Things like grudges in old relationships.  Late night online shopping excursions.  Daily excuses to avoid my quiet time with the Lord.  The list goes on and on…

So I thought to myself, isn’t it intriguing that the only “self-help tidying” we do in our lives is predominantly material.  We clean out our closets.  We sweep our floors.  We get a haircut when we need one.  But what do we do about the mess existing in our hearts and souls?

God offers us more than we could ever achieve.  More than any human could ever provide us.  He offers us a kind of indescribable, unconditional, infallible, over-the-moon kind of love that no movie has ever even come close to depicting.  He wants to be our confidant.  He wants to be our guide through this crazy thing we call life.  He wants to be all that we need.  Why is it that we spend so much time on other things when we need to be focusing on HIM?

Once we take the time to clear out all the unnecessary junk that has collected, even in our subconscious, we can once again focus on our intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father: the most important relationship in our lives.

So what are the steps to clear away the “Heart Clutter?”

Step One: Identify the areas in your life that are causing a disconnect between you and God.  Take the time to make a list of these and tuck it away in your Bible or other private place.

Step Two:  Determine to conquer the clutter!  Decide within yourself to move away from whatever it is that stands between you and the most intimate, incredible relationship you could ever dream to possess.

Step Three: Humbly approach God for the direction on how to conquer your clutter.  Get in the Word and stay there.  Wait to hear from Him.  Someone once said, “Do not say God is silent when your Bible is closed.”  Seek and you shall find, folks.  In addition to reading God’s Word, pray often.  Ask Him point blank to help you clean up any mess that exists and start fresh.

Step Four: Commit to Change.  Much like an apology, if you do not commit to change, the thought does not count.  Determine the adjustments that will be required of you to make the necessary shift in your life.

Step Five: Return to your “heart clutter list” often and conduct a status check with yourself.  Make sure that you are always striving to be and do better in life, especially in the areas you have already recognized as problematic.

God is with us every step of the way.  Can you imagine the blessings He would bestow on us if only we were available to receive them?  Often, if we would just get rid of the junk He would provide us all the treasure we could ever desire.

As the beautiful hymn so eloquently reminds us: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus.  Look full in His wonderful face.  And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”

What are some “heart clutter” issues you are holding onto?  Will this be the year you do a true self cleaning?

8 replies
  1. Margaret M. Barr
    Margaret M. Barr says:

    This is beautiful! We need to check our “heart clutter” daily and ask Jesus to sweep out that clutter and replace it with His love and grace! As a wise old woman once told me, “don’t let the devil steal your joy”!! Love & hugs!!

  2. Cindy Pair
    Cindy Pair says:

    This is a great read! I really enjoyed reading your words!! If you want to really dig in to decluttering, there is an amazing Bible study by Donna Partow called “Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be”. It is all about decluttering every area of your life.

    • says:

      Mrs. Cindy – thank you so much for the recommendation! I will definitely be reading Partow’s book. I need a lot of cleaning and de-cluttering advice 🙂

  3. Carrie Montgomery
    Carrie Montgomery says:

    This is beautiful Erin! I have been in “Deep Cleanin’ Diva” mode myself this year and this is such a powerful and sweet reminder of the most important thing that needs cleaning too! I am very excited about your amazing new community and look forward to sharing in this journey with you! Blessings to you for being such an uplifting blessing to others!

    • says:

      Carrie – thank you so much for your sweet words! I am incredibly grateful for your friendship. Friends are truly a gift from God!


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  1. […] God is Everything We Need.  Often, clutter – specifically the kind that tends to form in our hearts – needs to […]

  2. […] Last but certainly not least, let’s take time to rid ourselves of any lingering HEART clutter.  For more information about this, please read […]

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